
Her Majesty The Queen 1926 - 2022

The entire team of MRN wish to express our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of such an exceptional leader who has been a steadfast presence in all our lives over the last 70 years. The Queen's strong sense of duty and life-long dedication to the service to her country and her people is an example and inspiration to us all.

We wish King Charles III and all the Royal Family strength at this difficult time.

May The Queen's memory be a blessing.





Statute Bills, Solicitor’s Act Invoices, whatever you call them, it seems Solicitors are still getting them wrong. What do you need to do to make sure you are getting them right?

Kathryn Regan What do you need to do to make sure you are getting them right? Make sure you’re entitled to raise them Make sure your invoice includes everything it is supposed to Is it really that simple? Based on the wealth of Solicitor Act case law over the last few years in particular, apparently…

What is the effect of the new Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) regime on enforcement costs clauses in commercial contracts? Is there any relevance to the contracting out of FRC?

Louise Satterthwaite What does an enforcement clause deal with? An enforcement clause outlines how the contracting parties’ obligations, duties or responsibilities will be enforced under the contract.  They also indicate the repercussions of a failure to fulfil the contract. Prior to October 2023 parties to commercial disputes would often rely on the costs provision included…

Proportionality. What does this mean, does anybody know? Judging by the recent case law, the Judiciary seem to have their eye on it and are not afraid to flex their proverbial muscles.

Matthew Waring Proportionality in relation to costs has evolved, the latest overhaul (or reform if you will) came in 2013 with Rupert Jackson’s report. However, many will recall the pre-Jackson Reforms “Lownds” test where necessity trumped proportionality. However, roles are reversed now and the Court’s approach to applying the current test was somewhat of a…

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