Kenig v Thompson Snell & Passmore – is this the beginning of heightened scrutiny in relation to costs of administering estates?

Rebecca Mogford When the original Judgment was handed down last year, there were a number of questions that were left unanswered, it was hoped that the appeal would provide guidance and answer these remaining queries. Firstly, for those that aren’t aware, what was the case about? The case centred around the costs incurred in dealing…

Mediation offer? Take it seriously

Avi Dolties Northamber PLC v Genee World Ltd & Ors (Rev1) [2024] EWCA Civ 428 The Claimant was a distributor of information technology equipment. The First Defendant was an importer of AV displays manufactured in China. The Second Defendant, was the sole director of the First Defendant. The Third Defendant supplied technology and IT equipment.…

Yet another victory for the insurance industry!

Avi Dolties Amini-Edu v Esure Insurance Company Ltd (8th March 2024) The matter related to a PI case that settled for £40,000.00. Fixed costs applied.  The Defendant challenged the cost of a medical report at £2,916.00, inclusive of VAT for the Pain Management Expert.   Both sides made applications in relation to costs that came before…