The pre-LAPSO switch doesn’t appear to be working!

Avi Dolties   XDE v North Middlesex University Hospital Trust [2019] EWHC 1482 (QB) The claim arose from a delay in the diagnosis of the Claimant’s meningitis with devastating consequences. The issues of liability and causation were concluded by agreement in July 2016 on the basis of a 98%/2% apportionment. Following the agreement in respect…

Revision of Budgets for Significant Developments

David Knowles   Seekings and another v Moores and others [2019] EWHC 1476 (Comm) (7 June 2019) The above judgment relates to a Defendant’s Application for an upward revision of its Budget of approximately £130,000 for what it considered to be a significant development in the action. The litigation arises from the parties’ involvement in…

Dishonest Claimants and Committal Proceedings

Lindsay Woolford   Zurich Insurance Plc –v- Romaine [2019] EWCA Civ 851 A recent Court of Appeal decision has found that a Judge was wrong to ignore the tactics of “unscrupulous” Claimants and Lawyers, and has granted an Insurer permission to bring Committal Proceedings against a Claimant who had allegedly made knowingly false statements of…

A Tortfeasor should pay – A Defining Judgment

Jack Holland   Cook v Malcolm Nicholls Limited In the recent case of Cook v Malcolm Nicholls Limited the point was taken by the Defendant that Court fees were not payable by the Defendant but rather unrecoverable inter-partes due to the failings of the Claimant. The Defendant attempted to argue the £10,000.00 Court fee was…